Subiaco Lacrosse Club
est. 1928
The history of the Subiaco Lacrosse Club can be traced back to lacrosse players from the Eastern States – Fred Parsons and Fred Wingrove – who met in Perth in 1896 with the idea of forming a lacrosse association. In the first two years only social games where conducted and in 1898 four teams - Fremantle, Perth, Cottesloe and Mercantile – took to the field. WW1 disrupted the growth of lacrosse and it re-established itself during the 1920s and again the Fremantle players moved on to form other clubs including the Nedlands Lacrosse Club. A paper written by Reg Elliott records Hartley Angus as a former Fremantle player who reformed the East Fremantle club in 1927 and again Hartley Angus, with others, then went on to establish the Nedlands Lacrosse Club in 1930.
The first time Subiaco Lacrosse appears in WALA files is a team photograph of the Subiaco Swans Lacrosse Club dated1928. This proved to be a false start because interestingly, in 1929 a press article features the Swans team as playing “B” grade without any reference to Subiaco.
WALA Annual Reports in 1930 record 8 teams playing “A” grade with Nedlands Lacrosse Club finishing 2nd last on 2 points.
The WALA Fixture book for season 1938 records the Nedlands Lacrosse Club fielding a Senior and a “B” Grade team with home ground being Nedlands Oval.
The fixture book records all the WALA Clubs, Colours, Hon. Secretary and each player and playing number.
It tells us.
The Nedlands Club
Founded 1930: Colours Brown & Royal Blue.
Hon. Secretary: N Buchan, 42 Williams Road Hollywood.
Player number 32 was Arthur Swan and a G A Turnbull was listed as player No. 11.
Arthur Swan was later to become a Life Member of Nedlands- Subiaco Lacrosse Club and the Turnbull surname was to appear again in the clubs history.
The book also has the North Perth – Wembley Club as being reformed in 1934 with playing colours as Green and Gold. Player No. 1 is V Ashworth.
Vic Ashworth later played for Nedlands- Subiaco and also serves as Club President.
After WW1, a large number of the men from Nedlands did not return to play. Subiaco Lacrosse Club had been formed in 1940 and had a large number of junior players ready to jump up to seniors. The two clubs combined to form the Nedlands-Subiaco Lacrosse Club which lasted from 1947 till1989.